Visiting a church can be like going on a blind date.
There’s great potential, but there are also alot of unknowns.
We hope the information below will minimize the unknowns for your first visit to
Here’s what you need to know:
The entrance to our building is from Arch Street. As you come off West Avenue, make a left into the parking lot. There’s plenty of room in front of the building and there is overflow parking right next door.
You’ll be greeted warmly by our friendly Word Alive Greeters who will welcome you, hand you a weekly bulletin and direct you to the sanctuary. If you have children, they will be glad to escort you to the age appropriate room. If your child is shy, feel free to keep them with you in the adult service.
Our services begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. and usually last 90 minutes. We begin with praise and worship for 20 minutes, followed by a time of prayer, and announcements. You will then hear a relevant message that you will immediately be able to apply in your everyday life.
The Word Alive Children’s Ministry introduces God’s Word to children in our church family and community, ages nursery through fifth grade. They meet every week during Sunday service to learn God’s Word in a fun and nurturing environment.
When you drop off your child at their age appropriate classroom, you will be asked to sign in so that we may contact you if the need arises. Because your kid's safety is of utmost importance, all workers are trained and cleared through local and federal background checks.
The Word Alive Youth Ministry instills and strengthens God’s Word in the youth of our church family and community, ages sixth grade through twelfth grade. They meet every other week during service and online every other Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. for fellowship as well as to study and discuss God’s Word.
The Word Alive Young Adults Ministry offers Bible study and fellowship to young adults in our church family and community, ages 18 through 30. The group meets every other Thursday at 7:00 p.m. for deep study and discussion aimed at building up your faith and developing leadership skills.
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