The need for ministers of the Gospel, who will walk in integrity and excellence, proclaiming the life-transforming power of God's Word throughout the whole earth, has never been greater; even more so in the Fairfield County area. Life Christian University is dedicated to do its part in the great end-time harvest.
Our vision at Life Christian University (LCU) is to disciple Christians by providing solid, balanced instruction from the Word of God with an emphasis on faith in the lives of individual believers.
LCU offers academic programs that are specifically designed to equip students who feel the call of God on their lives or for those who want to further their knowledge of God's word and enhance their Christian walk. LCU provides accredited theological programs to students who wish to pursue a degree in Theology, Pastoral Ministry, & Christian Counseling. Click Here For More Info On LCU
The Word Alive Young Adults Ministry offers Bible study and fellowship to young adults in our church family and community, ages 18 through 30.
The Word Alive Children’s Ministry introduces God’s Word to children in our church family and community, ages nursery through fifth grade. They meet every week during Sunday service to learn God’s Word in a fun and nurturing environment.
Our loving teachers instill a hunger for God so that our children will grow strong in the faith. Click to watch faith-filled videos for the kids!
The Missions/Community Outreach supports the Norwalk community through our yearly Trunk or Treat, Easter Egg Hunt, clothing drives, and more! Pastor Artie Kassimis serves as the local Police Chaplain and is called upon to conduct local marina and motorcycle blessings, as well as the benediction for the Mayor's inauguration. Through this program, we have trained pastors and leaders in Greece, Egypt, Philippines, Guatemala, Honduras, and Haiti. We host a yearly missions trip to serve the underprivileged and share the Gospel.
The Word Alive Men’s ministry seeks to fortify the faith and provide regular fellowship for the men in our church family and community. This thriving group develops Biblically-grounded men of faith who lead their families, explore and study God’s Word, and make a difference in our community. They meet for breakfast and Bible study every month.
The Word Alive Women’s ministry seeks to provide fellowship and faith-based programs to nurture and support the women of our church family and community. Our popular Ladies Movie Night includes a potluck dinner, popcorn, and an inspiring film that will ignite and strengthen your faith. We conduct formal and informal Bible studies and host exciting special events with guest speakers, to deepen our knowledge of God’s Word in a nurturing and supportive environment.
The Hospitality Ministry is charged with taking care of the needs of our church family during times of loss by providing meals, clothing, or other basic necessities to help in times of need.
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